Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 30 & 31

Okay, so I realize that I have missed like three or fours days. I was just really busy this weekend and the small amount of time I wasn't busy I wasn't in the mood to post anything. BUT!!! I'm here now and I'm about to finish up my 30 day photo challenge! I'm combining the last two days since I've missed so many and the last one isn't really anything special. So here goes...

Day 30: A picture of someone I miss....
That's my friend Chipps. His first name is Zack, but he goes by his last. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea. He was my best buddy when I went to ABC. Then he moved back to Michigan two years ago and hasn't been back since. We talk on the phone every now and then but not often. It makes me sad because I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, I know that sounds corny but it's true! He said he most likely isn't coming back to Texas to visit and there's no possible way I'm going to Michigan. It's a sad thing when a friend moves away.

Day 31 is pretty much pointless. Day 31: A picture of myself....
Sometimes, when I can't sleep and I'm really bored, I put make up on, fix my hair, play dress up and take pictures. This picture was from one of those nights. Don't judge me. It was a long time ago and I don't usually post those pictures anywhere but decided to for my last day just because. :) :) :)

Hope you enjoyed my 30 day challenge Justin, because you were probably the only one that read it. Lol.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 29

A picture of something that makes me laugh...
*Not really sure how this is different from day 8 (a picture that makes me laugh) but oh well.
This was on Halloween 2010. After Amber, Nicole, and I walked into the pub that we went to we saw these two guys and another one dressed as the king from Burger King.....and we cracked up!!!! It was the funniest thing!!! We had to take pictures!! I honestly think these guys were the entertainment of the night for not just us three but everyone else!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 28

A picture of something I'm afraid of....
Umm sharks. I'm deathly afraid of sharks. End of story.....I mean look at that creature. There is nothing pretty about it. It's just evil. Words can't express how I'm even feeling right now just looking at a picture and writing about it. I would probably die of fright if I was ever in the ocean and saw one. I couldn't even swim with little baby sharks at Typhoon Lagoon without freaking out. I don't mind going in the ocean but I won't go where I can't touch unless someone is in front of me so it can get them first. Lol. There's no point in going that deep anyways, unless you're a surfer or something. And yeah, no desire to do any of that! Never will I ever go deep into the ocean like that!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 27

A picture of myself and a family member....
That would be Joshua Hamilton. He is my 2nd cousin :) He paid for us to go to a game in Seattle and he had to say hi to us before the game started. He's probably my favorite cousin, mainly because he plays on the Rangers and he gets us the hook up with tickets. Lol. Also, he said next time I go to a game he will introduce me to my love: Ian Kinsler. :D Can't wait till that day. He's also a really great guy and a has an awesome testimony. I always brag about him and his testimony to my friends. They think it's awesome, as do I.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 26

A picture of something that means a lot to me...
Music! Music! And more music! I absolutely love music! Music is my life!!! Really. Music is my way of expressing how I feel at the moment. I'll hear song that I can relate to at the time and I'll listen to it a thousand times and tell everyone I know to go listen to it if they haven't already heard it. I'll update my status on facebook with lyrics from a song instead of just venting or whatever. I rarely use my own words to explain how I feel, I take words from a song and that takes the place of my words. Not only do I use music to express my feelings, I also use it to calm me whenever I'm feeling stressed or frustrated or angry or sad or anything else you can think of! When I'm listening to music every feeling I have goes away and I'm just lost in the song. Yeah I know that probably sounded really corny but it's true! I also love love love to sing so anytime I'm alone, oh yeah, I belt it out and pretend like I'm performing or something. Yeah I'm 22 and still do that. Don't judge. One day I will learn how to play the guitar and piano, if not both at least one! I would like to learn to play the guitar so I can volunteer at children's hospitals and have music time with them. However, I also want to learn how to play the piano so I can sing and play at church. I mean I can do that with the guitar but in my opinion the piano has a much more beautiful sound. So basically, music is a HUGE part of my life and I honestly don't know how I would get by without it. By the way, that picture was taken at the state fair. It was on one of the floats during a parade and boy was that thing going fast! I had to chase it down to just get a picture of a music note. I wasn't satisfied because there were tons of em and I wanted a picture of the whole float! Oh well! :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 25

A picture of my day....
*Yeah see I don't really like this one. I don't understand how I'm supposed to show a picture of my day. My day is different everyday. So I'll just post a nice little picture of a day that enjoyed...
I absolutely LOVE when it snows!!! Snow is so much fun!!! Every time it snows we go out and play!!! Just like little kids. :) I'm not ashamed. The funnest part is watching my dogs play in it. They get so excited, it's hilarious! I love going to Colorado and skiing!!! That is one of my FAVORITE things to do in the snow. Unfortunately, I don't live anywhere near a ski resort. But that is a future vacation for sure!! :D

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 24

A picture of something I wish I could change....
*Well the world of course...the world is a terrible place full of darkness. However, there is light and I wish that that light could spread across the world and shine through the darkness! But I'm assuming it's wanting a more specific answer soooooo......
I know this is a typical answer but it really is true. I don't believe that this will ever be completely solved but I do believe that we should do all we can to help those out there. And that's one thing I want is to help in anyway possible, even if it's feeding just one child. I was going to put a picture of a hungry child but it broke my heart looking at the pictures and I couldn't put those on here. I'm scared, in a way, to actually go and see this in person because I honestly believe that it's more worse than we see on the internet or TV. Although, I think that once I see it for myself it will change me forever.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 23

A picture of your favorite book.....
*Oh this one was easy!!!!
Redeeming Love!!! This is the most beautiful book I have ever read. I usually don't read books more than once, but this one I did. And I'm ready to read it again!!! That book has been through so much because I give it to everyone!! It's that good!!! It is such an amazing book!!! Word can't describe how good it is. It's a love story and Christian novel all in one! I can't wait to read it again!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 22

A picture of something you wish you could be better at....
Singing! I love to sing! That is my biggest passion!!! I honestly, could sing all day and never get tired of it. I have been singing since I was in the fifth grade but I have never really been completely serious about it. I mean, I would compete in competitions every now and then (not often). I would sing specials at church and I participated in choir. I only did two musicals during high school and took choir only once. So I don't really know a lot about singing and reading music. I just do it. Lol. So since singing is my passion and I believe it is a talented that God has given me, I would like to be better at it. And not just better at it but also more knowledgeable. That way I will have a variety of opportunities to participate in and actually know what I'm talking about.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 21

A picture of something I wish I could forget....
Umm....every mistake I have ever made. Oh and that list is extremely long. I know that everyone says this but you have no idea how much I wish I could go back and redo things. I wish I knew then what I know now!!! I try not to let it get to me, but I have so many regrets. And most of the time they don't affect me, but other times they really drag me down. I know this isn't exactly something I could forget but more of something I could go back and change. I mean there are a few things I wish I could forget but I'd rather not share. It's a little personal. Sorry! :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 20

A picture of somewhere I'd like to travel....
*Well that's easy....EVERYWHERE!!! No really, I would love to travel all over the world and I believe it could possibly happen but if I had to choose just one place it would probably be.....
Italy!!! I "borrowed" this picture from the blog {this is glamorous}, another one I follow. It posts the most beautiful pictures so I just had to borrow one from there. This was actually kind of hard to choose a specific place to travel considering there are so many wonderful places out there to visit! I want to travel all over Europe, I would like to go to Egypt, India, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, etc, etc. The list would go on forever if I named every place I want to visit. I chose Italy mainly because I love pizza! Lol. Not really, but I do really love pizza. I just think Italy is so beautiful and romantic! And the sculptures there are absolutely amazing!!!! Everything about Italy is breathtaking, even the language!!!! I WILL visit Italy one day and I WILL be able to speak Italian when I'm there. Oh and not to mention Josh Groban (from day 13) sings half his songs in Italian. Love.... :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 19

A picture and a letter....
*Not really sure what this means and so I looked it up and I thought it was dumb. Plus all my letters are up in my closet and I've had a long weekend so, yeah, not getting any letters out just to take a picture. Lol. So I'm skipping this challenge. Sorry!!! However, I will be more than happy to tell you about my weekend!!!

I went to this missions conference in Houston with my college group and can I tell you that I had a great time!!! At first I was kind of hesitant about going because I didn't really know anyone that well. I was so close to calling and saying I couldn't make it. Man, I'm so glad I didn't. Not only did I bond with the Ecuador team but I also was extremely encouraged by everything that we participated in at the conference. God was really working in me. He made me realize that there are so many things that I need to change in my life, it's ridiculous! Friday night, whew! That was a rough night. We arrived just in time for the Friday night service and it was absolutely amazing! Really spoke to my heart. If I had been alone, oh man, I would have lost it. I hate crying in front of people, especially if I barely know them. So I was just huddled up in my chair trying to be as still and quiet as possible with my hands covering my face. I'm sure I looked like a weirdo. I'd rather show that side of me though. Lol.

Saturday we went to workshops and one that I went to was called Kingdom Women. We talked about how to relate and interact with women of different races. We also talked about how we could get involved in womens ministries and things that we could do to minister to these women. But the best part of the workshop was that the speaker was a missionary who just happened to be an RN. So cool!!! So after the workshop her and I talked about international health care. She encouraged me greatly and I look forward to when I'm practicing in a different country (if I ever get there).

Overall, I enjoyed the trip greatly. I had the opportunity to get to know these people I'm traveling with to Ecuador, I learned more and more about missions, I continued to learn how important mission trips are, I participated in a prayer walk (which was my first one) and that was fun, I got a bunch of goodies for free which is always a plus, and the list just goes on and on. I look forward to next years conference which is going to take place in Dallas!!! Woot Woot!!! :) Here's a picture of my book and my name tag. Yeah I felt legit.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 18

A picture of my biggest insecurity....
*Yeah, I'm not so sure I want to put an actual picture of my insecurity so instead I'm putting a picture of this instead. :) Enjoy!
Those guys are the cutest things ever!!! Well I would say that my biggest insecurity is my smile. You know how when people smile one eye is smaller than the other? You can't really tell on most people, but mine you can definitely tell. I hate it. Every so often I get lucky and a good smile gets taken. Most of my pictures I don't even smile. I make a stupid face. Ha ha. But yeah I hate my smile. It drives me insane to take pictures where I have to smile.

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
That's Amber and I. Yes I realize the picture is crazy...but what can I say? We are some crazy girls!!! Anyways, I thought of Amber first mainly because I was impacted greatly by words she said just yesterday! Both, Amber and I are striving to be a nurse. We haven't applied for any nursing programs yet, but were planning to this summer. However, lately we just feel like we have failed. We both have been losing motivation lately and just want to give up on the whole nursing thing. We feel that we aren't going to make it. Well I told her this after my exam on Wednesday and these are the words she said to me "Caitlyn, you have so much going for you and you are so smart. I know that you will pull through this. You are actually what's keeping me going." That last part really touched me. Knowing that I'm responsible for keeping someone else working toward a wonderful goal. This just makes me want to work harder and not give up. I'm not gonna lie either, it made me ALMOST cry when I read it. Knowing I have that great of an impact on someone. :) When I'm feeling down and want to change me major, I think of Amber and how if I give up she will to. And I will NOT let that happen!
I apologize for it being so late...I still consider this Thursday even though it's way past 12. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you....
That is Angie Smith. She is the wife of Todd Smith who is the lead singer of the Christian group Selah. First of all I love Selah and Todd has an amazing voice!!! But this post isn't about him, it's about his wife. I never really knew that Angie was as known as she is. I actually never even knew about her until a few years ago. I went to Selah's myspace to listen to some songs and there was a slideshow. I watched it and that's when I was first introduced to Angie. The slideshow was of their family and the little baby girl they lost just a few hours after she gave birth. Selah sang a beautiful song that I had never heard for the slideshow as well. It mentioned Angie's blog on the slideshow so I visited to update myself on their story. And ever since then I have been in love with this woman! She is actually the reason I started my blog. I mentioned her a while back before I started this 30 day challenge. This woman is so amazing! And the love she has for the Lord is just so inspiring. She has been through a lot! And yet she is still staying strong and still trusts in the Lord. One thing I love about her is that she is real. She isn't hiding the hurt she feels every now and then. She admits her faults and when she starts to lose faith. She asks for prayer when she knows she needs it. She is humble in every way. Her and a friend lead an online, Christian book club, she is one of many authors on the InCourage website, she is a Christian author, she is a public speaker at womens and charity events, she is involved with the company Compassion where you sponsor children from different countries, and last but not least she just joined the Women of Faith team. I was so excited to hear about that because I love Women of Faith! And to top it all off she is gorgeous!!! I don't find that very fair. I don't think a woman should be so inspiring and beautiful at the same time. ;) I would love to meet her one day and just sit down with her and talk. Everything she does is so inspiring to me and she is one woman I look up to and strive to be like.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 15

A picture of something I want to do before I die....
*This was an easy one considering this has been at the top of my "bucket list" forever....
Skydiving!!! I have been wanting to go skydiving for the longest time but it is just so darn expensive!!! Maybe what I should do is quit shopping and save that money up for this. ;) I think this would just be an awesome experience and I WILL do this one day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 14

A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without....
That is my sweet baby, Elvis, with a cone on his head. He brings me so much joy!!! Instead of "mans bestfriend" its "womans bestfriend" :) I love this puppy so much. And he has been through tons. Getting hit by a truck, having surgery on his back, having to get his tail cut off, and now chewing on his legs (that's the reason for the cone). He wont leave his legs alone! This dog is so crazy! But I love him so!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 13

A picture of my favorite band or artist....
*Well I've kind of already stated who my favorite artist was and I don't really have a favorite band so lets just do this.....We'll say Carrie is my favorite female artist and......
Josh Groban is my favorite male artist!!! Oh boy, this man has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. I could listen to him forever and ever. I usually can't listen to music with words while doing homework but something about his music and voice allows me to listen to him while doing homework or studying. And actually retain the info too. I can listen to him all night while sleeping. His voice is SO soothing and relaxing! I can't begin to express how much I love this man. He also sings Italian songs and I'm even in love with those songs. Even though I can't understand a thing he is singing. I think that if I had the opportunity to meet any celebrity in the world it would be him. He is just that awesome!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 12

A picture of something you love...
*What I really wanted to put was CHOCOLATE, but unfortunately we don't have ANY chocolate in this house! I know, it's devastating. So in place of chocolate I chose.....
Baseball!!! I absolutely love baseball, baseball season, baseball guys, baseball pants. Ha ha. I don't know what it is but I have a thing for baseball players. It's probably the uniforms. They are very deceiving. I love playing baseball and watching it. Especially when it's the RANGERS!!! Oh my goodness, I am completely in love with Texas Rangers baseball! If I ever win the lottery, season tickets would be the first things I would buy. Everyone in my family, excluding my mother, has played baseball or softball. What can I say, we are a baseball family. I also thought this post was appropriate considering yesterday was OPENING DAY!!! By the way, the Rangers beat Boston 9-5. Yay! I'm so glad we beat Boston. Anyway, my brother is currently playing high school baseball and I haven't missed one game. I know I'm such a great sister. Just kidding. Baseball=Love :) Oh and I took that pretty awesome picture too. :D

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 11

A picture of something I hate...
*Alright, don't judge me on this one but......
I absolutely hate brushing my teeth. I hate my mouth being "dirty" I guess you would say and I love the way my it feels after I brush, but oh my goodness, the process of getting to that point is torture for me. I either wait until the very last minute to do it or I do it as soon as I finish eating breakfast to get it over with. I don't know what it is about brushing my teeth but I despise it. I promise I brush my teeth every day. I do it twice a day. I actually just finished, only because I had to take that picture. Ha ha. But yes, brushing my teeth is something I absolutely hate!