Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 26

A picture of something that means a lot to me...
Music! Music! And more music! I absolutely love music! Music is my life!!! Really. Music is my way of expressing how I feel at the moment. I'll hear song that I can relate to at the time and I'll listen to it a thousand times and tell everyone I know to go listen to it if they haven't already heard it. I'll update my status on facebook with lyrics from a song instead of just venting or whatever. I rarely use my own words to explain how I feel, I take words from a song and that takes the place of my words. Not only do I use music to express my feelings, I also use it to calm me whenever I'm feeling stressed or frustrated or angry or sad or anything else you can think of! When I'm listening to music every feeling I have goes away and I'm just lost in the song. Yeah I know that probably sounded really corny but it's true! I also love love love to sing so anytime I'm alone, oh yeah, I belt it out and pretend like I'm performing or something. Yeah I'm 22 and still do that. Don't judge. One day I will learn how to play the guitar and piano, if not both at least one! I would like to learn to play the guitar so I can volunteer at children's hospitals and have music time with them. However, I also want to learn how to play the piano so I can sing and play at church. I mean I can do that with the guitar but in my opinion the piano has a much more beautiful sound. So basically, music is a HUGE part of my life and I honestly don't know how I would get by without it. By the way, that picture was taken at the state fair. It was on one of the floats during a parade and boy was that thing going fast! I had to chase it down to just get a picture of a music note. I wasn't satisfied because there were tons of em and I wanted a picture of the whole float! Oh well! :)

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