Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 19

A picture and a letter....
*Not really sure what this means and so I looked it up and I thought it was dumb. Plus all my letters are up in my closet and I've had a long weekend so, yeah, not getting any letters out just to take a picture. Lol. So I'm skipping this challenge. Sorry!!! However, I will be more than happy to tell you about my weekend!!!

I went to this missions conference in Houston with my college group and can I tell you that I had a great time!!! At first I was kind of hesitant about going because I didn't really know anyone that well. I was so close to calling and saying I couldn't make it. Man, I'm so glad I didn't. Not only did I bond with the Ecuador team but I also was extremely encouraged by everything that we participated in at the conference. God was really working in me. He made me realize that there are so many things that I need to change in my life, it's ridiculous! Friday night, whew! That was a rough night. We arrived just in time for the Friday night service and it was absolutely amazing! Really spoke to my heart. If I had been alone, oh man, I would have lost it. I hate crying in front of people, especially if I barely know them. So I was just huddled up in my chair trying to be as still and quiet as possible with my hands covering my face. I'm sure I looked like a weirdo. I'd rather show that side of me though. Lol.

Saturday we went to workshops and one that I went to was called Kingdom Women. We talked about how to relate and interact with women of different races. We also talked about how we could get involved in womens ministries and things that we could do to minister to these women. But the best part of the workshop was that the speaker was a missionary who just happened to be an RN. So cool!!! So after the workshop her and I talked about international health care. She encouraged me greatly and I look forward to when I'm practicing in a different country (if I ever get there).

Overall, I enjoyed the trip greatly. I had the opportunity to get to know these people I'm traveling with to Ecuador, I learned more and more about missions, I continued to learn how important mission trips are, I participated in a prayer walk (which was my first one) and that was fun, I got a bunch of goodies for free which is always a plus, and the list just goes on and on. I look forward to next years conference which is going to take place in Dallas!!! Woot Woot!!! :) Here's a picture of my book and my name tag. Yeah I felt legit.

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