Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you....
That is Angie Smith. She is the wife of Todd Smith who is the lead singer of the Christian group Selah. First of all I love Selah and Todd has an amazing voice!!! But this post isn't about him, it's about his wife. I never really knew that Angie was as known as she is. I actually never even knew about her until a few years ago. I went to Selah's myspace to listen to some songs and there was a slideshow. I watched it and that's when I was first introduced to Angie. The slideshow was of their family and the little baby girl they lost just a few hours after she gave birth. Selah sang a beautiful song that I had never heard for the slideshow as well. It mentioned Angie's blog on the slideshow so I visited to update myself on their story. And ever since then I have been in love with this woman! She is actually the reason I started my blog. I mentioned her a while back before I started this 30 day challenge. This woman is so amazing! And the love she has for the Lord is just so inspiring. She has been through a lot! And yet she is still staying strong and still trusts in the Lord. One thing I love about her is that she is real. She isn't hiding the hurt she feels every now and then. She admits her faults and when she starts to lose faith. She asks for prayer when she knows she needs it. She is humble in every way. Her and a friend lead an online, Christian book club, she is one of many authors on the InCourage website, she is a Christian author, she is a public speaker at womens and charity events, she is involved with the company Compassion where you sponsor children from different countries, and last but not least she just joined the Women of Faith team. I was so excited to hear about that because I love Women of Faith! And to top it all off she is gorgeous!!! I don't find that very fair. I don't think a woman should be so inspiring and beautiful at the same time. ;) I would love to meet her one day and just sit down with her and talk. Everything she does is so inspiring to me and she is one woman I look up to and strive to be like.

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