Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
That's Amber and I. Yes I realize the picture is crazy...but what can I say? We are some crazy girls!!! Anyways, I thought of Amber first mainly because I was impacted greatly by words she said just yesterday! Both, Amber and I are striving to be a nurse. We haven't applied for any nursing programs yet, but were planning to this summer. However, lately we just feel like we have failed. We both have been losing motivation lately and just want to give up on the whole nursing thing. We feel that we aren't going to make it. Well I told her this after my exam on Wednesday and these are the words she said to me "Caitlyn, you have so much going for you and you are so smart. I know that you will pull through this. You are actually what's keeping me going." That last part really touched me. Knowing that I'm responsible for keeping someone else working toward a wonderful goal. This just makes me want to work harder and not give up. I'm not gonna lie either, it made me ALMOST cry when I read it. Knowing I have that great of an impact on someone. :) When I'm feeling down and want to change me major, I think of Amber and how if I give up she will to. And I will NOT let that happen!
I apologize for it being so late...I still consider this Thursday even though it's way past 12. :)

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