Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 10

A picture of you and the person you do the oddest things with...
*So I know I said earlier that I was going to try and not repeat people, but after thinking about it I had to. There aren't a lot of people I have memories with so I will have to repeat people. :)
That's Amber again. And oh my goodness, I can not even begin to describe to you the crazy things we have done. The list would go on and on. We have so many memories together beginning in 7th grade until now. We continue to make memories that will last forever! This particular picture was taken on our mini road trip to Oklahoma to visit the camp our old youth group was at. We made stops and took pictures of everything that we thought was interesting. We have pictures outside the Choctaw Casino acting like we are holding the sign up, we have pictures on the side of the road sitting on tractors, jumping on hay stacks, running up huge sand hills, etc. We video taped ourselves singing in the car and right in the middle we both lean in at the same time and hit heads (*hilarious*). I wish I could share all of our memories. They would keep you very entertained and lift your spirits, no doubt. However, that would take all night. I can't wait to continue making crazy memories with this girl. No matter what we are doing we always find something crazy to do, whether it's a "movie montage" (inside joke) at the mall, going dancing, or a road trip out of state.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 9

A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most....
*That would probably be my sister but considering I already used her on day 2 I'm going to use someone else. And since I'm not using her I actually have two people. There's no possible way I could choose. They have both gotten me through so much at different times of my life I couldn't just use one or the other.
This would be miss Amber. She was my partner in crime from 7th grade to senior year. We were attached at the hip. We both went through a lot of stuff and we were there for each other no matter what. We fought constantly but always made up the next day. We would always get made fun of for that at church. We aren't as close anymore but we still talk and we still are there for each other when we need it. I love this girl and she will always be one who I can go to. By the way, that was Halloween night and we just had to take a picture with the robot man because he was so funny!
This next chick is Courtney. We met freshman year of high school because we were both cheerleaders and we hit it off before school even started at cheer camp. We were best buds. Then we kind of grew apart sophomore and junior year because I didn't do cheerleading. However, we both made the drill team senior year and that reunited a great friendship. This girl has seen me at some pretty bad times. We stayed friends all the way through senior year and three years of college. Of course college was a lot of drama, relationship wise, and we bonded like no other during those times. I love this girl too. We also don't talk as much either anymore, but we still keep in touch. Our most memorable times together were all the Rangers games we went to dreaming of being with Salty. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 8

A picture that makes you laugh...
*I have so many considering what a dork I am but this was still pretty easy. This picture was taken years and years ago and still to this day it makes me and my sister crack up! I don't have a scanner so I had to take a picture of the picture. Lol.
You can tell just by looking at it that it's old. This picture really does speak a thousand words. We have eye shadow all over our faces, my hair is in pigtails, I have a lay (however you spell that) around my head and neck, we both have pillows stuffed into our shirts with belts around them, then we are hold a doll and a sword with a sign that says "help me." I know, we were crazy. Our faces make the picture ten times funnier. I love it!!! However, I'm not sure what provoked us to dress up like this and take this picture. I hope you got a kick out of like we do.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 7

A picture of my childhood crush.....
*This was an easy one because he is my adulthood crush too!!!
Orlando Bloom!!!!! I was absolutely in love with this man. He is just SOOOOO gorgeous to me!!! And the characters he plays are just, well, breathtaking. You probably would have considered me psycho when it came to him. I had hundreds of pictures of him. I went through every single magazine that we got and cut out every picture of him and printed pictures off the internet. Then I decided to make a collage of them all and hang them up around a huge poster I had of him. I had calendars that I struggled to throw away when the year was up. I came so close to buying that life size cardboard thing in the picture. I actually didn't buy it because I didn't have the money and a week later I went back to buy it and it was gone. *heartbroken* I even went as far as making a marriage certificate. I found it on the internet, printed it out, filled it out and signed it. I also dedicated two whole pages in my high school senior book to him. And that certificate is right in the middle. I'm cracking up right now just thinking about how psychotic I was. But hey, I was in love. Lol.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 6

A picture of someone I would love to trade places with for a day...
*I don't know what it is about this question but this was extremely hard for me. Even harder than the previous day. Not because there are so many choices out there but just because I couldn't think of anyone. I think I was putting too much thought into it. But after thinking about it for a while I finally decided on.....
...Carrie Underwood! Basically, because she is my favorite artist. I think this woman is gorgeous and so talented. She has an amazing voice and her songs are all so good. I haven't disliked one of her songs that I have heard. She gets to perform the National Anthem at sporting events (something I have always wanted to do). And she is always getting dolled up for something. I just love her smile and her hair. And I don't think it's really fair for someone to be that pretty and talented too. If I got to trade places with her it wouldn't just be for one day because I wouldn't give it up!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 5

A picture of my favorite memory...
*This is an extremely hard one. I have so many wonderful memories from high school until now, I don't even know where to start! I can't just pick one. I guess I will just go with what first comes to mind which is......
...our high school musical, Beauty and the Beast! Senior year was great, with a few minor exceptions, and this is one of the highlights of that year. This was one of the funnest times I had in high school. I was a plate, a little girl, and a dancer. I loved everything about this time. The two other girls in the picture were my plate friends. :) And we rocked it!!! I was also in the musical my sophomore year, Guys n Dolls. That was a lot of fun also, but I didn't have as big of a role as I did this time. I know it seems like I didn't really have a part in Beauty and the Beast but I promise I was in it more than you think. I have sooooo many memories from high school that I love. It's so hard to choose. This is probably the one that sticks out the most. Drill team, choir, all the sports I played, the football games, dances, EVERYTHING about high school was great. Of course there was drama but I don't really remember that as much. I try to focus on the fun, memorable things. I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again. Or at least have another chance to experience it. I know I'm lame because not many people love high school. I'm one of the few that did! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 4

A picture of my night...
*Not really sure what this means. It's a very vague topic. From what people have put I'm assuming it's just a picture of your typical night. Mine isn't very interesting....
Yes, that would facebook on my computer. Then there is my Anatomy and Physiology text book, my Medical Terminology text book, So Long Insecurity, Radical, The Bible, and my devotional book. This is what my typical night looks like AFTER I'm finished watching my shows. :) I either do homework, spend time on facebook playing tetris (lol), or I read one of those four books. I read the devotional book every night and the others at least once or twice a week, excluding the Bible. I read that all the time. So yeah, my typical night? Not an interesting one at all. Homework, facebook, or reading. Can you say nerd???

Thursday, March 24, 2011

{God Honors Faith}

This isn't apart of the 30 day challenge, obviously, but I read this prayer during my devotional tonight and it spoked to me so much that I just had to share:
"Lord, such remarkable faith and perseverance seems beyond me. Help me to trust You with the work You want to do through my life. I know that the day is coming when I will see the reward for diligently seeking You. Amen."
The key verse: Hebrews 11:6

The devotional tells a story about two missionaries who hadn't had one convert in over a yr of being in their field. People began asking them to come home and if it was really worth staying there. The missionaries didn't budge. They had faith that they would see people turn to Christ. So much that when a friend asked them if they could send them a gift they asked for a communion set, trusting that the Lord would bless their work. After two long years a small group of six converts united to form the first Christian church in that land.

Day 3

A picture of the cast from my favorite show...
*This is kind of a hard one because I have like 5 favorite show, but I guess if I had to choose it would be....
Grey's Anatomy!! I started watching this show in high school and then stopped for the longest time and then this winter break I bought seasons 1-5 and watched them all!!! (I was trying to catch up on everything) Now I don't miss a show. The only bad part is I haven't seen season 6. I went to buy it and it was way to expensive for me, obviously, since it was the most recent season to come out. They are currently filming season 7. This show is so intense, dramatic and funny! And it makes me want to be a surgeon so bad. If I was smart enough I so would go to medical school. I realize that me being a nurse my life wont be exactly like theirs and plus it is a show but it's fun to think about. My other favorite shows are Off the Map, Gossip Girl, Glee, and Private Practice respectively. Off the map is amazing because they are doctors at a small clinic in South America. I enjoy this show because that is something I am interested in doing. Gossip Girl brings out my passion for fashion. Ha ha, that rhymed. I haven't missed an episode of Off the Map or Gossip Girl and I want to catch myself up on Glee. I like Glee because of all the singing and music. That is my passion and I just love listening to all the talented singers. Private Practice is good but if I miss an episode I'm okay with it. However, I try not to miss an episode.

These are my shows and I love them all!!! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 2

A picture of me and the person I have been closest with the longest...
That would be my sister, Ashley (the brunette...just in case). She's 27 and I'm 22, not a huge difference. However, we weren't always close. We hated each other when we were younger (that's normal though right?). If not, I'm sticking to it and don't tell me otherwise. We fought consistently when we were younger. She didn't even want to be around me. She once had me convinced that I was adopted. She told me this on Easter. What a day?! I was devastated. I could tell stories of all our fights all day long if I wanted, but I don't. As I'm sure you would prefer not to read all day either. Although we fought like cats and dogs when we were younger, we began to grow closer when I was in high school (she had already graduated and was at college). Since then we have been basically attached at the hip. I can count on one hand the number of times we have fought. I say that with pride because we lived together, just me and her, for two yrs. She transferred to the college I was attending and we shared a dorm (kinda). More like a suite because we had our own dorm rooms. Anyway, this is the girl I have been closest to the longest and she will remain that girl until we are called Home. I love her and am so thankful for her.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 1

A picture of myself and 10 facts about myself. Hmm....
1. I'm a Christian
2. I'm in love with the Texas Rangers
3. I love to sing
4. I can never get enough chocolate
5. I love playing sports
6. Penguins are my favorite
7. I think flowers are beautiful (feel free to buy be some at anytime)
8. Blue is my favorite color
9. I have an eleven yr old car and his name is Parker
10. I WILL be a nurse one day

Fact 11. I'm a HUGE dork.
This was taken a million yrs ago. Just thought I would put in an entertaining one. :)

So I'm giving my self a new and easier challenge since I failed the last one. Lol. Apparently there is this 30 day photo challenge thing on facebook that tons of people are doing. I think it would be fun but I'm not fond of doing it on facebook. Why? Not so sure. So for this easier challenge I'm going to do this 30 day photo thing. We'll see how well I can keep up with it. I'll just post a picture of what is supposed to be posted that day and explain that picture. Similar yet different than the last challenge. I choose not to fail this challenge and I will keep up with my blog a lot better in the days to come. Challenge starting......tomorrow! Bring it! :)