Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 5

A picture of my favorite memory...
*This is an extremely hard one. I have so many wonderful memories from high school until now, I don't even know where to start! I can't just pick one. I guess I will just go with what first comes to mind which is......
...our high school musical, Beauty and the Beast! Senior year was great, with a few minor exceptions, and this is one of the highlights of that year. This was one of the funnest times I had in high school. I was a plate, a little girl, and a dancer. I loved everything about this time. The two other girls in the picture were my plate friends. :) And we rocked it!!! I was also in the musical my sophomore year, Guys n Dolls. That was a lot of fun also, but I didn't have as big of a role as I did this time. I know it seems like I didn't really have a part in Beauty and the Beast but I promise I was in it more than you think. I have sooooo many memories from high school that I love. It's so hard to choose. This is probably the one that sticks out the most. Drill team, choir, all the sports I played, the football games, dances, EVERYTHING about high school was great. Of course there was drama but I don't really remember that as much. I try to focus on the fun, memorable things. I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again. Or at least have another chance to experience it. I know I'm lame because not many people love high school. I'm one of the few that did! :)

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