Thursday, March 24, 2011

{God Honors Faith}

This isn't apart of the 30 day challenge, obviously, but I read this prayer during my devotional tonight and it spoked to me so much that I just had to share:
"Lord, such remarkable faith and perseverance seems beyond me. Help me to trust You with the work You want to do through my life. I know that the day is coming when I will see the reward for diligently seeking You. Amen."
The key verse: Hebrews 11:6

The devotional tells a story about two missionaries who hadn't had one convert in over a yr of being in their field. People began asking them to come home and if it was really worth staying there. The missionaries didn't budge. They had faith that they would see people turn to Christ. So much that when a friend asked them if they could send them a gift they asked for a communion set, trusting that the Lord would bless their work. After two long years a small group of six converts united to form the first Christian church in that land.

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