Monday, May 23, 2011

No hablo espanol...

Today was a fantastic day!!! And I quickly learned that I REALLY need to learn some Spanish. It's ridiculous how little I know. We went to the University down here to get familiar with the campus and introduce ourselves to the students. We first split up into groups and I was with Jennifer, Mike, and Trevor. I felt like a loser because they all knew at least enough Spanish to get through a conversation. I on the other hand had to look to others to get me through. Anyways, we went to the engineering department and a professor from the food engineering class introduced herself to us and invited us into her classroom. She was extremely nice and we talked with her for about 30 minutes. She invited us over to teach us how to make pizza and talk with her kids. Unfortunately, we couldn't go because we had other plans with the team. After we finished talking to her we walked to the English department and Trevor started talking to a guy named Gustavo that he met last year. I was standing with them just listening and Gustavo introduced two of his friends to me and Trevor. Then a few minutes later Trevor left me with these guys. However, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. These guys were as sweet as can be and their English was greatness!!! I was very thankful. And I enjoyed talking to them greatly. After about 15 or 20 minutes of talking to them about 5 of us went to each English class and introduced ourselves. These students were just fascinated with us and so nice. It was very inspiring and encouraging. I'm really looking forward to Wednesday and Thursday when we are back on the campus. Later on we visited the orphanage that Thomas and Deborah are buying and that was a lot of fun also. I'm excited to see what God is going to do with that. We then went back to Thomas and Deborah's house to paint boots and Deborah asked me to go downtown with her and one of our translators to pick up some more boots. Well of course I accepted and it was craziness!!! The driving scares the heck out of me and there were people everywhere just walking in the streets and stuff. I was shocked that we didn't hit anyone or anything. I saw some crazy stuff too, for example, one of those robot men that dress up in like foil and paint their faces gold. It was so cool but I didn't have my camera which I was extremely bummed about. Lastly, we had our group time tonight and all I have to say is it was wonderful! I know God is about to do some amazing things in our lives and I can't wait to see how He moves in our hearts.

We are going to a village tomorrow to wash feet and give out shoes to the children and this is the thing I am most excited about. I can't wait to love on these little kids.

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