Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Loving Well

Alright, I realize that it has been like 8 months since I have posted anything and I'm ashamed to say that the reasoning behind it is because I haven't felt...oh what do you call it?....a longing to post, I guess, in a really long time. I like to write when there is something on my heart that I can share with others and lately I just haven't been feeling anything spectacular in my heart! :( Yes, I know, shameful. Well tonight I decided to read just a little spec of my Loving Well journal by Beth Moore and of course she did it! That woman can say anything to encourage or inspire. Anyway, the section I was reading was speaking of Gods Love and how we cannot love others until we believe God loves us and we allow His love to flow through us. In this section Beth asked to read 1 John 4:7-17 and one verse really stuck out and has made my top 5 favorite verses:

vs. 12 "No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
In other words by Beth: "No one has ever seen God, but when we love beyond our abilities, people will see Him in us. More than our teaching, serving, or exhorting, God manifests Himself through us when we love." One of the best ways to worship our God is by simply loving others! But a problem we Christians have in learning to love others is that we don't take time to let God minister to and love on us. Unless He fills us with love, we will be unable to pour out God's love on others!
I'll leave you with a question Beth asked and a wonderful Prayer she prepared for this section.

Question to ponder: "Do you really believe God loves you? Why or why not?"

PRAYER: Father, I confess that sometimes I try to love others out of a sense of duty rather than out of a heart that overflows with Your love. I have been reminded that I cannot give others what I have not received. Before I can love anybody else I need You to love me.


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