Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Overwhelming Happiness"

This past Sunday at church my pastor said something that really got me thinking. It was quick and to the point but still had an impact. We were having a time of prayer and he told us to take this time to thank God for all the good things in your life. And I thought, how often do we forget to do that? We are so consumed in our wants and needs that we forget to look at what we already have, what God has already blessed us with. I'm mainly speaking to myself when I say this. At the moment I am completely happy with the way my life is going and I'm so thankful for that, but have I thanked God yet? No. And that's sad. Nothing that happens in our life takes place without God allowing it to. All the wonderful things that we have is from God. And we so often take that for granted, myself included. I think we should all start taking a little bit of time out of our day to thank God for the things we have in our lives. You'll be amazed at how much your relationship with Him will grow just by doing this one small thing.

Another subject I wanted to stress relates in a way to what I just talked about. We have so many things to be thankful for in our lives whether you see it or not. But what have we done to deserve it? What have I specifically done to deserve this happiness I've been feeling for quite sometime? Absolutely nothing. This just shows how great our God really is. How merciful, forgiving, caring, and loving He is! This thought by itself should bring you to your knees. He deserves so much more than what we give Him, if anything. He deserves a heart fully devoted to Him.

This thought has been and will be forever an encouragement to me. It inspired me to thank my God when needed, love Him more, grow closer to Him, and to never ever take Him or the things He has given me for granted! I hope and pray it does the same for you!

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