Friday, June 5, 2009

Alright so the ensemble is in our third week of tour and it sure has been an interesting one. Our group was struggling to get along the first two weeks of it. And it was an awful two weeks because of it. But setting all that aside, it's been pretty eventful and fun. We have been to the beach three times already and it's been wonderful. We went to the zoo and I got to feed a giraffe! It was one of the coolest things I have ever done! I've never been that close to an animal like that. We are also going to Disney World here soon. The 16th I believe. I'm extremely excited about that. I love Disney! :D Although we are having a fun time with events and stuff. I'm still struggling personally. I'm leaving for good when I get home and I'm not coming back. And I'm upset about leaving some people. But I feel that some of those people aren't as upset as I am. For example, Chris. Chris and I have been through a lot together. We have been very close friends for a while now. However, we got in a huge fight and haven't really had a real conversation since then. Well it's really been bothering me, because I don't want to end our friendship being mad at each other. So I decided to send him a long message asking him what happened, if there was anything i had done, and apologizing and simple things like that. Well that was two days ago, and I have yet to get a response. And you know it just hurts that he could be that careless as to leave me hanging the way he did. But I also am telling myself to not jump to any conclusions yet. I want to also give him time. It's just kind of hard considering I'm a pretty impatient person. (I'm working on that though) Anyway, I'm just praying that he will at least give me something before this tour is over.
Another reason I'm struggling is because some things have happened recently that really hurt and it just stuck. Things were said to me and about me that were very hurtful. It amazes me how Christians enjoy putting other Christians down constantly. I never thought until I came to Bible College that Christians could be so cruel. And to be honest I prefer the secular world at times. They aren't so quick to judge and condemn as we Christians are. I find it highly pathetic and ridiculous. I thought that we are supposed to be building each other up not tearing each other down? Anyway, kind of chased a rabbit trail there. But even though hurtful things were said, I'm thankful for them. Why? Because it was an eye opener. I have been trying to change certain aspects of my life for a very long time now. And it has been a struggle. And I have never really had a major reasoning behind it other than I knew it was wrong. Well hearing someone point out those flaws and putting me down because of them really just got to me. That was a punch to the stomach right there. But also an encouragement I guess you would call it. And since then I, and others, can tell a change in me. Not major, but something. And it's all Jesus' doing!
I've come to appreciate the Lord and love Him more than I ever have in my entire Christian walk. My heart has just grown so much. He has softened my heart so much while on this trip. I'm not sure why but I love it! I am learning so much and growing so much. And I am so thankful for that.
Even though tour so far has been rough, I am still very thankful for it. It not only opened my eyes to new things, but also made me so much stronger. Is making me more responsible. Is helping me learn the importance of patience. Is making me the woman God wants me to be. I'm growing not only as a person but as a Christian. Even if others can't see it, I can and so does God. And that is all who it is for anyway. He is the one that matters.

Miss you family! Thank you so much for your support and love! Miss you Courtney! You are the bestest friend anyone could ever have. Thank you so much for your prayers and loyalty! Miss you class! You kids are wonderful and I love you!Miss you Justin! Thank you for a second chance when I didn't deserve it. Miss you Elvis, Rusty, and Mav! :) Can't wait to come home to all of you!

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