Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Recipe Box

My goodness, it has been a while. I've been a tad bit busy and haven't been able to think of anything to write about. BUT! I finally have something!!! :) First I need to explain what led up to this wonderful post. ;) One morning before Halloween I was bored and we had some unbaked cookies in the fridge. So, naturally, I decided to make them. I'm not a cook and I have never really cooked anything in my life. And I don't really consider making cookies actual cooking. All I had to do was separate them and put them in the oven. Anywho, after they were done, I went to work, and came home. My mom, who is a wonderful cook, ate them and said that they were perfect. I "cooked" them just right! Her saying that made me feel awesome! So I kept making cookies. I think in the past two weeks I've made almost a hundred cookies. :) Well now....I have decided to continue the baking process. And I'm so excited to get started!!! I made my first meal yesterday and it wasn't terrible! Which made me feel even better!!! Also, there is a bake sale coming up in two weeks at church. Between that and baking for Thanksgiving, I'm gonna get tons of practice!!! I will definitely keep you updated on all the grub I'll be making!...and including pictures of it of course ;)
This is just traditional mac n cheese. Not anything big or special, but it was my first meal I made on my own. It was lunch so to fill us all up and keep it a one dish meal I added chopped ham. It was delicious!

By the way, as of right now, I'm getting all my recipes from this website: ENJOY!!!

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