Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let Go and Let God

Alright, so lately I have had a few things on my mind that I really just need to get off my chest. The past few weeks have been a bit of a learning experience for me. The Lord has really been working in me and He has opened my eyes to so many things here lately. Here are some things that God has shown me by using others:

1) About two weeks ago, our pastor gave people an opportunity to come forth and give a testimony. And my am I glad he did, because one lady spoke of something very personal and she was telling us how she was looking for God to give her answers but couldn't hear or feel Him. Why? She said because she hadn't been reading His Word and studying it. But once she got back into the Word she could feel His presence again and could hear Him speaking to her. And as you all know I went through a time where I was lacking in the same areas: spending time in His Word. And during that same time I was going through a situation where I really needed His guidance. However, I couldn't hear or feel a thing. But when I heard this woman speak I knew exactly what was wrong. I felt for this woman because I was in the same situation. So lesson number one: spend time in Gods Word and in prayer on a daily basis. This is how God will speak to you.

2) My sister and I joined a Bible study class this summer. It was over the book of Ruth. And I very much enjoyed it. There are so many things hidden in this book; so many lessons that you have to dig for. Anyway, this isn't really about the bible study but something that my teacher said, "We need to be willing to do things Gods way or He will not bless it!" That one, simple line says and explains so much. If you're having trouble in a particular situation and you're scared of the outcome, just remember that if it's Gods way then you will be blessed for it. Lesson number two: If you're walking in Gods path then you have nothing to fear. God will take care of His children who walk in His ways.

3) I've been following a blog about a woman 2 years older than me that has a tumor on her liver. She's such an inspiring, strong, Christian woman. Well she posted a song on her blog a few days ago and I fell in love with it! It spoke to me in so many ways and opened my eyes wider than ever! :D Here's a link to the song:

It's called Have Your Way by Britt Nicole. Amazing, beautiful song!!!! It tells how this life isn't easy and that we are going to go through hard times and no matter what we do in the end God will do what He wants with us. We need to learn to let things go sometimes and just let God have His way with our lives. Lesson number three: I don't control anything that goes on in my life.

4) Lastly, I have not used my talent the Lord blessed me with in over a year. But recently, I had the opportunity to try out for the praise team at my church. I was extremely nervous and doubted my making it. However, God blessed me and I'm now serving on the praise team at my church. Lesson number four: God will always come through for me and you and everyone!!! He opens doors for us and allows us to take part in miraculous things! (I know the praise team isn't "miraculous" but it's close enough for me!!! :D)

Sorry for the long post. I want to leave ya'll with this quote I came across on the same blog I found the song.

"Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused!" -Alan Cohen

Have a great weekend!!!