Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Catching Up!

My goodness, so much has happened since my last post. I know it's been a very long time since I've written anything. But here I go to catch up on some things. :D
Tour ended with a bang I guess you would say. Our last service ever was one of our best services. Yet it was a tough one as well. Especially for Dr. Bryant. However, we were still all smiles and had tons of fun. We tried to make this tour the best for him. I'm hoping we succeeded. I'm missing ensemble terribly. I miss the singing and traveling every Sunday. I miss serving God through song. And I miss using my talent He gave me for Him. Hopefully some day soon I can get involved in ministry again. It's really tough right now because my family and I started going to another church. (we moved so our home church is too far) The church is huge! It's beautiful though and I really like it. It's just hard to get involved in such a large church. But I'm being patient and giving it time and jumping at any opportunity I get.
Anyway, I've been living at home ever since I got home from tour and it's been pretty interesting here. Things have changed drastically. Not so much at home but in me and with me. My life basically. I don't know what it is about me but I'm losing. This will be the third best friend in a row to walk out on me and leave me behind. Is it something I'm doing wrong? That is my only conclusion. I don't know what it is, but I intend to find out. Lately we have been fighting constantly, non-stop over ridiculous things! Now, we don't even talk. She turns to a new friend of hers and leaves me high and dry. I'm at a loss at what to do now.
On a better note, though, I finally found another job! Yay! I've been jobless since May 15Th and I've been dying here! I love working and finally I can start up again. I had to quit my last job at ECYC because I moved back home. It's been killing me. I worked there for a year and a half and I got so attached to those wonderful kids. I didn't want to leave but I knew I had too. I miss those kids so much and I've been wanting to visit them ever since I got back from tour but with my car not working the way it should my dad wont let me drive to Arlington. :( So I don't know what I'm going to do about that. But I did get a job at another school so I can watch new kids grow and learn. I'm excited to start.
Now lets talk about some school! I'm starting at a new school and boy am I nervous! I'm starting the nursing program and I must do extremely well in my classes to get accepted. I've been reading up on information about nursing and all I hear about it is constant studying. That scares me. I'm bad at studying because I get so distracted very easily. But with me living at home with no friends around and the motivation I have maybe I'll be able to keep myself disciplined. I have been waiting so long to start this and now it's finally here and I don't want to mess anything up.
OK, one more thing. I've always believed that God placed a love for missions in my heart. I don't believe He called me to that particular ministry for full time though. But any who, my sister and I are planning on going on a mission trip to Brazil next summer. I can't wait and I hope all works out. My parents aren't too crazy about it and neither is some of our friends but I ask that, if you are reading this, pray for me and my sister. One thing I desire is to go out and help change the world and this is a great start. I don't want anything prohibiting me from doing Gods work. It's a passion of mine to help those less fortunate. Once I get my degree in nursing I want to go on as many short term mission trips as I can to help those who don't have the benefits we do here. So once again, please pray that this trip can be made possible and that all who go are kept safe.